

I'm Lotus Hawk. Intuitive Consultant

Personal Consultations

Group Meditation Workshops

Therapeutic Sound Healing

Christmas Day Meditation

Christmas Day Meditation

Breathe One Breath at a Time...

As we move to the close of the year, let’s think of the word gratitude.

Breathe in .... Exhale ....

Feel the fullness of being in your space this moment being surrounded with falling starlight  raining down on you that whisper grateful, grateful, grateful. Be aware the moments of light adding to our days as we move into the new year. Be aware of the renewed energy filling us with goodness.

Breath in ...  Exhale ... 

Be Aware...

Be thankful for the falling starlight as they release energy of sacred balance to walk strong into 2018. 

From OPENING: Lotus Hawk’s Prayers and Meditations

 Sacred Balance Prayer.

Dear Mother-Father God, hear my words, 

 So that I may have strength to walk with you.

So I may have the courage to talk with you.

So I may hear your wisdom.

I pray you hear us as we speak to you.

I pray not to be fearful,

I pray to be open to receive your knowledge Let me be able to be of service and help others.

And as I am centered and hear your words, 

I know I will be able to feel Sacred Balance.

Breathe one Breath at a time...

As, we take a walk into the New Year.

OPENING: Lotus Hawk's Prayers & Meditations

OPENING: Lotus Hawk's Prayers & Meditations